Journal Articles & Book Chapters
Seymour, T. L., (2022). EPICpy: A Python Interface for EPIC Computational Cognitive Modeling. Journal of Open Source Software, 7(76), 4533,
Goodman, S.G., Seymour, T.L., & Anderson, B.R. (2016). Achieving the performance benefits of hands-on experience when using digital devices: A representational approach. Computers in Human Behavior, 59 (2016) 58-66. [PDF]
Seymour, T.L., Baker, C.A., Gaunt, J.T. (2013). Combining Blink, Pupil, and Response Time Measures in a Concealed Knowledge Test. Frontiers In Cognitive Science 3:614. [PDF]
Schumacher, E.H., Seymour, T.L., & Schwarb H. (2010). Brain Activation Evidence for Response Conflict in the Exclude Recognition Task. Brain Research, 1329, 113-123. [PDF]
Seymour, T.L., Schumacher, E.H., (2009). Electromyographic Evidence for Response Conflict in the Exclude Recognition Task. Cognitive, Affective & Behvioral Neuroscience, 9(1), 71-82. [PDF]
Seymour, T.L., Fraynt, B.R. (2009). Time and Encoding Effects in the Concealed Knowledge Test. Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback (2009) vol. 34 (3) pp. 177-187. [PDF]
Seymour, T.L., Kerlin, J.R. (2008). Successful Detection of Verbal and Visual Concealed Knowledge Using an RT-based paradigm. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 22, 475-490. [PDF]
Knight, M., Seymour, T.L., Gaunt, J.T., Baker, C.A. and Mather, M. (2007). Aging and Goal Directed Emotional Attention: Distraction Reverses Emotional Biases. Emotion,7(4), 705-714. [PDF]
Mueller, S. T., Seymour, T. L., Kieras, D. E., & Meyer, D. E. (2003). Theoretical Implications of Articulatory Duration, Phonological Similarity, and Phonological Complexity in Verbal Working Memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 29(6), 1353-1380. [PDF]
Meyer, D. E., Glass, J. M., Mueller, S. T., Seymour, T. L., & Kieras, D. E. Executive-Process Interactive Control: A Unified Computational Theory for Answering Twenty Questions (and more) About Cognitive Aging. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology: Special Issue; Vol 13(1-2) Mar-Jun 2001, United Kingdom: Psychology Press; 2001, 123-164. [PDF]
Schumacher, E. H., Seymour, T. L., Glass, J. M., Fencsik, D. E., Lauber, E. J., Kieras, D. E., & Meyer, D. E. (2001). Virtually Perfect Time Sharing in Dual-Task Performance: Uncorking the Central Cognitive Bottleneck. Psychological Science, 12 (2), 101-108. [PDF]
Seymour, T. L., Seifert, C. M., Mosmann, A. M., & Shafto, M. G. (2000). Using Response Time Measures to Assess "Guilty Knowledge". Journal of Applied Psychology, 85(1). [PDF]
Kieras, D. E., Meyer, D. E., Mueller, S., & Seymour, T. (1999). Insights Into Working Memory From the Perspective of the EPIC Architecture for Modeling Skilled Perceptual-Motor Performance. In P. Shah & A. Miyake (Eds.) Models of Working Memory: Mechanisms of Active Maintenance and Executive Control, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [PDF]
Pickett, S. A., Lyons, J. S., Polonus, T., Seymour, T., & Miller, S. I. (1995). Factors Predicting Patients’ Satisfaction With Managed Mental Health Care. Psychiatric Services, 46(7), 722-723. [PDF]
coming soon...
Poster Presentations
Crouse, M., Seymour, T.L (2022 - upcoming). Learning to Direct Attention: Consequences for Augmented Reality Training. Will be presented at Psychonomic Society annual conference, Boston USA, November 2022.
Crouse, M., Seymour, T.L (2021). Inopportune Warning Cues Benefit Only Some Participants in a Poser Cueing Task. Presented at Vision Science Society Virtual Meeting, May 2021.
Crouse, M., Seymour, T.L (2019). Using peripheral information when the eyes are busy. Presented at Psychonomic Society annual conference, Montreal Canada, November 2019.
Goodman, S.G. & Seymour, T.L (2019). Competition-focused instruction undermines self-regulated study habits in college students. Presented the 2019 Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Montreal, QC, November 15, 2019. [PDF]
Goodman, S.G. & Seymour, T.L. (2018). Talking to myself: Self-talk and mindset interact to influence skill acquisition and task performance (Is mindset malleable? Influences of task factors and exposure to challenge). Presented at the 2018 Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. November 17, 2018.
Seymour, T.L. & Goodman, S.G. (2017). The downsides of using tablets to teach spatial skills can be mitigated with embodied priming. Presented at 47th Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, San Francisco, CA. June 9, 2017.
Goodman, S.G. & Seymour T.L. (2016). Implied audience interferes with skill acquisition for performance-oriented learners . Presented at the 2016 Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. November 19, 2016. [PDF]
Seymour, T.L. & Goodman, S.G. (2015). The distraction-error model: A simplified account of the effects of prohibition on motor control. Presented at the 2015 Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. November 21, 2015. [PDF]
Goodman, S.G., Seymour, T.L, & Anderson, B.R. (2015). The increased use of tablets in education: Why physical learning is sometimes better. Presented at 2015 Cognitive Science Society Annual Meeting, Pasadena, CA. July 24, 2015. Note: Poster renamed prior to presentation: "Physical Manipulatives Provide Spatial and Arithmetic Performance Advantages in Canonical Education Activities" [PDF] [REFS]
Green, S.L., McQueen, S. & Seymour, T.L. (2012). Along the path to expertise, what predicts quitting and persistence? Presented at 2012 Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. November 15, 2012. [PDF]
Seymour, T. L. & McQueen, S. (November 2011). Compensating for a lack of audio input while driving. Presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Seattle, Washington. [PDF]
McQueen, S. & Seymour, T. L. (May 2011). Do You Need Your Ears To Drive? Presented at the 23rd Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, District of Columbia. [PDF]
Seymour, T. L., Siegel, D. (May 2009). Solving Goals in a Virtual Environment: Interactions between Context, Planning, and Creativity. Poster presented at the 21st Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science. [PDF]
Seymour, T. L., Schumacher, E. H. (November 2007). Neuroimaging and Electromyographic Evidence for Response Conflict in Recognition Tasks. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, 2007. [PDF]
Schumacher, E. H., Seymour, T. L., Johnson, D. M., & Hundley, C. (2006). Neuroimaging evidence for conflicting familiarity and recollection processes in an exclude-recognition task. Poster Presented at the Annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 2006. [PDF]
Baker, C. A., Seymour, T. L. (2006). Does Relative Speed Drive the Concealed Knowledge Test? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society. [PDF]
Seymour, T. L., Baker, C. A., Gaunt, J. T. (November 2005). Task & Strategic Influences on the Eye-Movement based Memory Effect.Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, 2005. [PDF]
Seymour, T. L., Kerlin, J., & Kurtz, A. (August 2003). Extending the Response-Time “Guilty Knowledge” Test. Presented at the annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. [PDF]
Seymour, T. L., Baker, C. (November 2003). Modeling Response Competition using Task-Specific and Task-Invariant Executive Processes. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, 2003. [PDF]
Fencsik, D. E., Seymour, T. L., Mueller, S. T., Kieras, D. E., and Meyer, D. E. (2002). Representation, Retention, and Recognition of Information in Visual Working Memory. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, 2002. [PDF]
Mueller, S. T., Seymour, T. L., Krawitz, A., Kieras, D. E., & Meyer, D. E. (2001). Implications of Articulatory Duration and Phonological Similarity effects in Working Memory. Poster Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, 2001. [PDF]
Meyer, D. E., Mueller, S. T., Seymour, T. L., & Kieras, D. E. (2000). Brain Loci of Temporal Coding and Serial-Order Control for Verbal Working Memory Revealed by Computational Modeling and Focal Lesion Analysis of Memory-Span Performance. Poster Presented at the Annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 2000. [PDF]
Mueller, S. T., Seymour, T. L., Glass, J., Kieras, D., & Meyer, D. (2000). Components of Cognitive Control in Verbal Working Memory Revealed by Computational Modeling with the Executive-Process Interactive-Control (EPIC) Architecture. Poster Presented at the Cognitive Aging Conference, 2000. [PDF]
Meyer, D. E., Kieras, D. E., Mueller, S., & Seymour, T. (1999). Benefits of Computational modeling for cognitive neuroscience studies of verbal working memory. Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 1999. [PDF]
Seymour, T. L., & Seifert, C. M. (1998). A model of the "Guilty Knowledge Effect:" Dual processes in recognition. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 1998. [PDF]
Kieras, D. E., Meyer, D. E., Mueller, S., & Seymour, T. (1998). An EPIC Computational Model of Working Memory. Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, 1998. [PDF]
Glass, J. M., Seymour, T. L., Schumacher, E. H., Gmeindl, L., Meyer, D. E., & Kieras, D. E. (1998). Cognitive aging and task-coordination strategies for dual-task performance. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, 1998. [PDF]
Seymour, T. L., Mosmann, A. M., & Seifert, C. M. (1997). Using reaction time to measure "Guilty Knowledge". Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 1997. [PDF]
Seymour, T. L., Patalano, A. L., & Seifert, C. M. (1996). Planning within a virtual environment. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 1996. [PDF]