
A Mininimal Programmer’s Text Editor For EPIC Modeling

EPICcoder a minimal text editor for use with EPIC modeling (primarily for use with EPICpy). It’s primary purpose is to offer an easy way to edit EPIC production rule files (e.g., *.prs) with proper syntax highlighting. Thus, its feature set is quite limited compared to a full-featured programmer’s text editor. For example, it offers syntax highlighting for only these file formats:

  • PPS Production Rule Files (*.prs)
  • Text Files (*.txt)
  • Python Code Files (*.py)
  • C Code Files (*.c)
  • C++ Code Files (*.cpp)
  • C++ Header Files (*.h)

EPICcoder is free and opensource, and its source files are available at https://github.com/travisseymour/epiccoder. It is only slighly different than the sample code offered at https://qscintilla.com/ and is also based on tutorial code by FUSEN at https://github.com/Fus3n/pyqt-code-editor-yt.

EPICcoder Stand-Alone Application Installers


Posted in Software.