Signing Up to Participate in Our Research A participant in one of our electromyography (EMG) studies. Occasionally, we will solicit people to serve as participants in our research by either coming to the lab to be in one of our experiments, or by filling out a survey. See below for the status of our research… Continue Reading Reseach Particapants
Undergrad Assistants
Looking for Research Opportunities in Our Lab? Talitha trains a new research assistant on one of our studies. Each quarter we have between 6 and 10 undergraduate research assistants in the lab. We cannot do our work without help from smart and dedicated undergraduates helping us prepare and execute our studies.We are always looking for… Continue Reading Undergrad Assistants
Graduate Students
Looking to Join Our Graduate Research Program? Each year I look for smart and motivated students to join UCSC’s Cognitive Psychology program as a graduate (PhD) student and collaborate/train with me in my lab. If you are interested in joining my lab you need to do the following: Make sure you are sufficiently familiar with… Continue Reading Graduate Students